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Alaska the card game
Alaska is the 4th released game mode of the Cambio Unlimited Deck, and is a homage for the most unpredictable card of the deck. In the game you will never be able to control nature, but with patience and strategy the goal is to catch as many salmon as possible, regardless of the circumstances nature or tourists throw at you.
'The Cambio Universe Saga' Continued...
The legend has it that when 'The Deck' was scattered to the wind each card landed in a different place alone, having to find unique ways to make it on their own until they would finally reunite once again.
(Read The Origin Story Scroll for more context!).​
Alaska the Card Game Tutorial
Cambio Unlimited was founded with Alaskan roots, and Alaska The Card Game was inspired by Alaska Legends Kenai River Lodge (
Background Story

Point of the Game
Game preparation
Hand cards:

- Salmon
- Flow Card
- Cast Card

- Local and Tourist

- Hooking an Angler

- Eagle and Bear
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