kodiak the card game
Kodiak is not only the initial inspiration for this game, but of our entire company. He is the member of our team that gave us belief and motivation to create something for the world and he is very tied in with all of our operations. Our manager if you will. Even the idea for Cambio Unlimited was born on the same night that Kodi had his first mega-viral video on TikTok (currently at 19.2M views). Due to Kodi's success all three of us founders sat together and began coming up with a plan to build the company that is now here today.
With Kodiak the Card Game we tried to enter into the mindset of a kitty kitty. 'The Pounce' is a classic Kodi move in real life, and we hope you can experience the same feelings of joy that Kodiak does while pouncing, as well as the fear that his micey friends experience when scurrying away. As an added plus, once you've learned Kodiak the Card Game, you will have all of the concepts for Cambio The Original and you will be able to play both games depending on which is more fun with each situation you find yourself in!
2-8 Players
Just scroll down to learn how to play Kodiak The Card Game by Cambio Unlimited. This game is also compatible with a normal 52-card deck if you don't want to purchase a Cambio Unlimited Deck - but it truly is much better with our deck. At the bottom of this page is a legend you can follow to play this game for free without purchasing a deck as a thank you to everyone that has followed along with @kodiakthetravelcat over the last year and a half!
Find more info on Kodiak at kodiakthetravelcat.com